5 Reason Why We Love Rainy Days in Puerto Vallarta


Fall in love with Puerto Vallarta during the rainy season!


Here we are, typing out this blog as raindrops knock on our window, creating that therapeutic sound, accompanied by a very unique scent, a scent that makes us crave hot chocolate or coffee.

Yes, even in the hot weather of Puerto Vallarta, the rainy days make you want to prepare something hot and soothing for your soul. Rainy days can be as beautiful as a sunny day in this charming city, this is why we want to share with you our top 5 reasons why we LOVE rainy days in Puerto Vallarta!

1. A rainy day is a perfect excuse to stay in and enjoy your favorite meal and drink, while you watch a movie or show. For us, horror movies are the perfect fit for such days. What are yours?

2. Sometimes rain can be unpredictable and will surprise us as we are walking the streets of this town but hey, we can make the best out of a not-so-fortunate moment, for example, why not go back to our early days when we loved to enjoy the simple things in life like playing and running in the rain?

Just take a moment to let the rain fall on you and remember those fun moments when you were young and everything seemed so beautiful and simple.

3. Another thing we absolutely love to do is, to pause everything and anything, take a sit on our balcony and look at the tranquilizing rain washing the streets and mountains. Simply contemplating this event can make you feel certain happiness we rarely get to experience. It feels as if nature was giving us a warm hug. To this, add tea, wine, coffee, or hot chocolate, and this will certainly form part of your favorite activities during raining season.

4. As rain fills the day, practicing your Indoor hobbies can have an excellent creative result. Usually, the sound of the rain can be the ultimate soundtrack to stimulate every single one of your senses and will help your imagination and creativity to flow like the Cuale river. Rain seems to comfort our minds and lets us discover a side of ourselves that can always surprise us.

5. Conversations during a rainy day are out of this world. Really. The overall atmosphere the weather creates around you is absolutely exceptional. We don’t know what exactly is about the rain but, it helps us connect in a greater way with the people around us, it seems as it motivates us to let down our walls and let sincerity take charge. We love how the feeling of warmheartedness invades us! Have you noticed that, too?

Even though we only mentioned 5 reasons, we have hundreds more to share but then, this would become a whole book!

It’s certain you can experience all of these in every other place in the world, but we can tell you that Puerto Vallarta adds a magical touch to it that no other place can. It’s one of those things you have to experience to be able to understand fully because no words can really do it justice. Each day we find a new reason to love this bewitching place, and we’re happy to call it our home.

If you also want to be completely enamored by Puerto Vallarta and experience it through all the season, this is your sign to find your dream home in town, so explore all our listings and picture yourself enjoying your rainy days at your new place.



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